Hospitality CDP Favourite Solution

Tailor-made customer data platform and relationship management for accommodation and food & drink industry


CareCloud's Hospitality solution is designed for all segments of accommodation, including hotels, cabins, cottages, ski lodges, camps, and RV parks.

The Hospitality solution also covers the food & drink industry, including restaurants, drive-ins, cafés, fast foods, bars, taverns, and tearooms.


Build Authentic Relationships with Your Guests

Hospitality requires nurturing and growing long-term relationships. It is no longer a one-off transaction with an anonymous guest. Improve the service and guest engagement thanks to Loyalty, Marketing, and Customer Service features of CareCloud's Hospitality solution.

Improve guest satisfaction utilizing personalization possibilities based on Customer Data Platform, providing you a true 360-degree guest view. Use the data also in the set of marketing Applications for even more effective segmenting, profiling, and service recommendation.


Meet CareCloud Key Applications

Choose the CareCloud Hospitality solution developed with your industry in mind. Our solution is a capable middleware with smooth connectivity to any external solution (API, SFTP, or imports), therefore fitting in your current software environment perfectly. CareCloud's advanced CDP operates a robust data warehouse providing you with a single, accurate guest view for useful marketing insights.

Use the insights to launch efficient omnichannel campaigns with personalized content. Additionally, the CareCloud Hospitality solution offers a complex and fully customizable Analysis & Prediction App for continuous enhancement of your services.



Integrated Reservation Application

Save resources by using the integrated Reservation application to manage your free rooms, tables, or slots. Let your staff manage the reservation to optimize your capacity, or let guests reserve online for an even better experience.


Use automated scenarios to remind guests about their approaching reservation, so they never miss your perfect services. Give them the ability to adjust their reservation so you can provide freed slots to other guests to optimize your capacity.


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