CDP for Customer Data Management

CDP software solution for the customer journey, complex customer profiles, and audience segmentation for cookieless advertising.


Drive ROI with CDP Solution

Boost your marketing with CDP to monetize customer data you collect during every interaction. Enhance customer journey using CareCloud applications to provide personalized experiences.


CDP & CRM CareCloud creates unified omnichannel customer profiles available for your data-driven marketing.


Fill out the form and supercharge your business with one of our experts.

Get Ahead with Cookieless Data

Lookalike audience and remarketing campaigns can be done without 3rd party data and cookies! With CDP & CRM CareCloud, you will build first-party data marketing to target the right customers easily!


Customer Data Platform is the way for cookieless online campaigns with high conversion rates.


Start with CDP today!


Automate Audience Segmentation

Customer Data Management in CDP CareCloud helps you create automated customer segments for your remarketing and lookalike campaigns.


Use the omnichannel data for automated yet personalized marketing that builds strong customer relationships.



Sei pronto ad incontrare CareCloud?

Compila i tuoi dati di contatto per ottenere risposte alle domande che hai su CareCloud: dalla descrizione del prodotto ai prezzi, oppure una chiacchierata informale sui tuoi clienti e sulla tua attività.

Uno dei nostri esperti ti contatterà quanto prima possibile.

Inviando questo modulo, confermi di accettare il trattamento dei tuoi dati personali da parte di Cortex e di essere contattato per soddisfare la tua richiesta. I tuoi dati saranno eliminati dopo che avremo soddisfatto la tua richiesta, a meno che non venga stipulato un accordo reciproco per un ulteriore trattamento. I tuoi dati sono al sicuro.

* Disclaimer: Mentioned percentages, results, and performances are the expected results of a proactive, dedicated team of proportionate size, training, and experience after 18 months of intensive leveraging of all CDP & CRM CareCloud applications.