Integrate Your Production System
Use CareCloud platform REST API to integrate with a production system (BI, DWH, Booking, Accounting, Warehouse etc.)
Setup and integration
Here, you will find the complete developer's Guide to CareCloud platform REST API integration with your application. Please read and learn more about the integration process and make the first steps easier and simpler with Quickstart. You can learn how to use our REST API and create the first API calls. This guide enables easy authentication and safe calling with full respect to your data security. You find here the description of API parameters and versioning, URL structure, error codes, and HTTP verbs.
Enjoy the CareCloud platform REST API Guide!
Are you new here? Launch with Quickstart!
Learn how to use REST API
Your first API call
Learn how to authenticate to REST API
How to get and use bearer token?
Use REST API safe and sound
API Tools
Download "API Collection" and start using Postman
Integrate with REST API SDK easily
Use the basic building blocks of the PHP client API
A quick guide on how to use webhooks
Receive notification about data changes and actions
Use webhooks in the Marketing Automation app
Online Checkout
Connect CareCloud platform and POS or e-shop online!
Apply all benefits at checkout
Take advantage of central benefits administration
API tools set
You will find here the easy way how to start using CareCloud API. Just download the collection and import it into your Postman installation. In a matter of minutes, you can do API calls on your own. Moreover, you learn here how to use CareCloud API SDK, the convenient wrapper around CareCloud PHP Client, starting with installing the package, creating your API client, and accessing all the API endpoints from the client object.
Here, you will find the API client in PHP with a quick integration base to customize your implementation. Open API 3.0 documentation helps you generate your API client and provides the Open API tools set.
Postman Collection
Install your Postman or access it online
Download CareCloud API collection
See the first API calls easy guide
Easy integration
REST API SDK with full list of resources
Best practice implemented
PHP API client
Quick integration base
Customize your implementation
Access all API endpoints
Use cases
You will find here detailed descriptions of specific use cases for your needs. Get inspired by describing the best practices for integrating CareCloud platform REST API with your application and make your work easier. Using the related use cases will save you time and money!
Customer account operations
Sending purchases
Check out process
Newsletter sign-up and other operations
Make the most of CareCloud!
Connect the CareCloud platform with the cash register system online!
Take full advantage of all customer benefits and connect the CareCloud platform with your POS system or e-commerce solution online. You'll be able to checkout with all the advantages of centralized customer benefits administration. Whether it's any benefit, voucher, coupon, or use of a points scheme, you will apply all benefits directly at checkout across all integrated systems.
There will be no difference between using customer benefits in a brick-and-mortar store, in an e-shop, when shopping on a mobile app, or at a sales kiosk. You decide which benefit is valid in all sales channels and which is valid only in the e-shop. Take advantage of the central administration of customer benefits!

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