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CareCloud CDP Tips & Tricks

Overcoming Marketing Fatigue: How to Keep Your Audience Interested

Are you rolling your eyes at the next marketing message flooding your inbox and wishing there was a simple “unsubscribe from all” button? If so, you may be suffering from marketing fatigue, and so are your customers. Find out how to keep your customers engaged.

A man with marketing fatigue


Marketing fatigue occurs when consumers feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of marketing messages. This overflow of irrelevant offers often leads to decreased customer engagement and activity. 

According to statistics from Optimove, 66% of consumers desire fewer marketing messages, while 27% feel bombarded by the current volume. Additionally, 73% receive marketing communications from brands they don’t recall subscribing to. These figures clearly show that consumers are overwhelmed by irrelevant marketing messages.

There are steps you should employ to ensure your marketing efforts won’t be too much on your customers.


Relevance is key to attacking marketing fatigue. Understanding your customers’ preferences is crucial, and CareCloud offers innovative solutions to enhance customer engagement.

First and foremost, start by collecting valuable customer data into one database with CareCloud. This will provide insights into their purchasing behavior, preferences, and hobbies.

Next, utilize RFM segmentation to categorize customers into groups based on their buying habits, ranging from champions to lost customers. Tailor your marketing offers to each group, adjusting the frequency of communication accordingly.

For instance, send promotional emails about new products to Champions and Loyal customers. Need Attention customers require time-limited offers, while you should contact Lost customers only every few months.

Personalization is key to staying ahead of your competition. Use CareCloud’s Recommendation Engine to send customers relevant product offers based on their purchase history.


To ensure your marketing messages are effective, leverage automated workflows to deliver them at the right time through various channels such as email, SMS, WhatsApp, Viber, and push notifications. By analyzing customer data, you can pinpoint the best moment to engage with your audience. This seamless integration of timing and content maximizes the impact of your marketing efforts, building stronger connections with your customers.

In a crowded marketing landscape, standing out requires a strategic approach. Prioritize relevance, personalization, and timing to capture your audience’s attention. Embrace innovative tools and techniques from CareCloud to drive sales and foster long-term customer loyalty.

With CareCloud, say goodbye to marketing fatigue and hello to meaningful connections with your audience.


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