Pharma Industry Customer Data Solution

Manage customer data processing and relationship management using CareCloud CDP trusted by thousands of pharmacies


CareCloud CDP provides a pharmacy-oriented solution for all your marketing, communication, automations, loyalty, reservations and relationship management needs. Countless pharmacies rely on CareCloud as their all-in-one solution.


Get All-In-One Solution Designed for Pharmacy

Access CareCloud's Applications unique environment of applications for start-to-end customer data processing in the pharmaceutical industry. The applications are fully integrated to save you integration costs and to provide user-friendly administration. Let CareCloud take care of relationship management with your customers, including customer data processing, segmentation, campaign preparation and execution, marketing automation, loyalty program administration, drug reservation, and prediction.

Choose only the applications you truly need because CareCloud Customer Data Platform can be seamlessly integrated into any existing software environment. Data flow between CareCloud and external applications is secured by powerful API.


Meet CareCloud Key Applications

We understand the complex and delicate nature of Customer Data processing and relationship management in the Pharma industry. Therefore, we developed the Application environment, which respects the specific nature of your business. You will find key applications for customer data processing for Pharmaceutical industry below.



Use Product Reservation for Better Customer Experience

Improve Customer & User Experience by allowing them to reserve a drug in mobile app, E-shop or pharmacy and pick it up in any pharmacy at their convenience. Let your customers add out-of-stock items to their wish list, so they receive an automatic message once the item is again available in their favourite pharmacy store.


Bring together your eCommerce and mobile app channel with brick-and-mortar stores to create a consistent experience for your customers. Managing all channels from CareCloud decreases your administration costs and minimizes the possibility of human error.


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I nostri clienti si innamorano di CareCloud

We have chosen Cortex as Phoenix Group Nr. 1 CRM partner, thanks to their active and insightful approach to our business. Their support of our amazing service and dynamic growth of service portfolio is at the core of our cooperation with Cortex across our European business.

We use CareCloud for the collection and orchestration of customer data from all contact points. CareCloud cleans and unifies the data for further profiling and segmentation. Cortex is the partner we can rely on.

Laura G.




Sei pronto ad incontrare CareCloud?

Compila i tuoi dati di contatto per ottenere risposte alle domande che hai su CareCloud: dalla descrizione del prodotto ai prezzi, oppure una chiacchierata informale sui tuoi clienti e sulla tua attività.

Uno dei nostri esperti ti contatterà quanto prima possibile.

Inviando questo modulo, confermi di accettare il trattamento dei tuoi dati personali da parte di Cortex e di essere contattato per soddisfare la tua richiesta. I tuoi dati saranno eliminati dopo che avremo soddisfatto la tua richiesta, a meno che non venga stipulato un accordo reciproco per un ulteriore trattamento. I tuoi dati sono al sicuro.