Customer Data Solution for Retail

CareCloud is an excellent help for retailers to manage customer data and grow relationships with their customers


CareCloud Customer Data Platform with its integrated applications resolves the key needs of retailers across Europe with an emphasis on Customer & User Experience, smart customer data processing, loyalty & engagement, relationship management, omnichannel campaign processing, and digital marketing growth.

CareCloud's retail solution is suitable for networks of retail stores of any size connected with e-shops, making it the best long-term solution for any retail enterprise.


Get Solution Trusted by Retailers

CareCloud addresses complex retail needs with its rich environment of applications by giving you an edge over competitors. The applications are fully integrated, saving you implementation costs and streamlining administration thanks to its user-friendly nature. Let CareCloud take care of your relationship management, including customer database, segmentation, campaign preparation and execution, marketing automation, loyalty program, product reservations, and predictions.

CareCloud seamlessly integrates into your current software environment to provide 360-degree customer view and real-time customer data management.


Meet CareCloud Key Applications

Our experience with customer data processing and relationship management in Retail helped us to design CareCloud CDP and integrated applications to give you a competitive advantage. Below you will find key applications for Retail with a brief description of their benefits.



Improve Customer Experience

Get rid of paper coupons, discount codes, or any other inconvenience for customers desiring to get your products. With CareCloud, you link the discount, benefit, or promotion with customer account for its convenient and easy redeeming.

CareCloud distributes available promotions for a specific customer via API to all customer touchpoints. Therefore, your customer in the e-shop gets the same benefits as the POS displays to the cashier. Stronger customer relationships are built via convenience, start building them now with CareCloud!


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I nostri clienti si innamorano di CareCloud

I cherish our long-term partnership lasting for over 15 years. Klenoty Aurum grew together with Cortex into large, successful brands providing the best experiences to customers and clients.

CareCloud helped us to understand our customer’s needs and desires to personalize our service and build even stronger relationships. We are managing relationships with over 250 thousand active customers from CareCloud’s centralized administration, which makes our job easier.

Rony Lori




Sei pronto ad incontrare CareCloud?

Compila i tuoi dati di contatto per ottenere risposte alle domande che hai su CareCloud: dalla descrizione del prodotto ai prezzi, oppure una chiacchierata informale sui tuoi clienti e sulla tua attività.

Uno dei nostri esperti ti contatterà quanto prima possibile.

Inviando questo modulo, confermi di accettare il trattamento dei tuoi dati personali da parte di Cortex e di essere contattato per soddisfare la tua richiesta. I tuoi dati saranno eliminati dopo che avremo soddisfatto la tua richiesta, a meno che non venga stipulato un accordo reciproco per un ulteriore trattamento. I tuoi dati sono al sicuro.