CareCloud REST API Developer Documentation

Learn here the basics of the CareCloud platform API, from authentication to available resources. Learn more about the REST API, which you can use to connect CareCloud platform to other systems.

Use cases

Access data and interact with an e-shop, POS, selling kiosk, booking system, accountancy software, or any other production system which processes the customer data sets with its relationships. Or integrate with end-user applications like mobile Android and iOS APPs, web customer microsites, or other web apps which aim to get unique customer data.

Build or integrate MOBILE APP for your customers

If you want to integrate your mobile application with CareCloud platform, use REST API methods described below.

Build or integrate your E-COMMERCE solution

If you want to build an e-shop, you can integrate CareCloud REST API by clicking on Learn more.

Create and connect CUSTOMER PORTAL

If you want to integrate a portal for your customers with CareCloud platform, click on the link below.

Integrate with your CASH DESK APP or POS SYSTEM

If you want to integrate CareCloud platform with your POS system, you can use CareCloud REST API described below.

Access data and interact with PRODUCTION SYSTEM

If you want to access data and interact between your production system and CareCloud platform, use REST API endpoints described below.

GET STARTED with REST API endpoints directly and create a CUSTOMER in CareCloud platform

If you have an extensive developer experience with API integrations and want to look directly at specific endpoints, try creating a customer using the CUSTOMER endpoint.



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