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CareCloud CDP Tips & Tricks

Write the Perfect Email Subject to Engage Customers

By Jan Doleček  11. 7. 2024

Subject lines actually matter more than content. Your emails need to stand out immediately so that customers keep opening them. Follow these basic tips for creating subject lines to ensure your campaigns won’t go to waste.


You should respect the subject line if you expect great conversion rates from emailing. The email’s body may be brilliantly written, optimized for dark mode, or visually stunning, but success always starts from the subject line.

The email subject has the power to attract and trigger customers who will choose to open your email in their overstuffed mailbox. You must make it count.


These are tips to make your subject stand out and convert.

  1. The Length – In most cases, 3-6 words should be enough. Anything more might stretch the message too much. Use activating verbs (“learn, capitalize, harness”), clever wordplay, and transparent language to hook your customers. Moreover, optimize for mobile devices and check if the subject appears whole on the screen.
  2. The Meaning – You shouldn’t try summarizing the whole email theme in the space of a few words. Let the pre-header deal with additional info. Your job is to create an interesting hook that also welcomes the reader into your email.
  3. Emojis and Special Symbols – There is a wild debate on using those. To be safe, be very careful and don’t use more than one special symbol; always have them related to the point. Expand on the context of the email’s message and introduce it visually. Throwing “heart” emojis when you send out a Black Friday campaign can only hurt your sender reputation.
  4. Sender Reputation – Email providers are getting more sensitive and strict about catching spam with each passing year. Subject lines are very delicate when it comes to it. Keep exclamation points to a minimum and avoid spammy subject lines such as “Win Your Free Prize!!!” or “Get 95% Off on All Sortiment!!!” 
  5. Mobile Optimization – We already touched upon that point. Always test (or visualize) your subject lines on mobile devices. Email is now usually read on mobile phones, so keep this in mind.
  6. Emotional Rapport – It is vital to connect to your customers through emotion. Find common tongues with your customers. Be witty, cheeky, or minimalistic: just be close to your customer’s heart. Are you not sure which subject line works better? A/B test every output to get a firm footing and avoid unnecessary errors.


As can be seen, even subject line optimization would make for a small book, at least. Nevertheless, these tips map the areas on which to focus your efforts. But even the most creative minds need a little extra help – CDP & CRM CareCloud will gladly serve.

CareCloud’s email designer, automatic A/B testing, and advanced analytics provide all the essentials so that you can focus on brilliant content. Now, let’s get creative!


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