CareCloud CDP Tips & Tricks

SMS Campaigns Are on the Rise; Make Sure You Don’t Miss Them

SMS messages have a higher open rate than emails. Learn everything you need to know about SMS campaigns – the benefits and the best practices necessary for success. Sending email campaigns is a classic process, so why not try SMS? THE BENEFITS OF THE SMS CAMPAIGN Customers are more likely to open an SMS than…

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Retention Strategies: Show Your Customers It’s Worth Sticking Around

With so many possibilities, keeping customers loyal to your brand has never been harder. Show your customers they are important to your brand. Here are five strategies with examples that will help you build long-term relationships with customers. KEEP IN TOUCH Consistent communication is key if you don’t want to fall into oblivion right after…

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Automation Workflow: Find out How It Works

What is the way to reduce your workload and boost your sales? Start using Marketing Automation and let the system do the work for you. First, you need to understand the logic of a workflow. Find out how automatic workflows benefit your business and customer satisfaction. Increase your productivity to the next level. GET TO…

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Dark Mode: The Dreaded Spectre of the Emailing World

Emailing is at the top of the marketing world these days, but there are things that you need to watch out for. Below, you will find everything you need to know about Dark Mode – why it is so prevalent in emails, the risks involved, and much more. WHY IS DARK MODE SO POPULAR Dark…

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Omnichannel vs. Multichannel: They May Sound the Same, but the Differences Are Crucial

Even though both focus on customers, the main goals and practices of omnichannel and multichannel differ. Read the article and learn how to give your customers the best shopping experience. OMNICHANNEL BASICS Omnichannel is a strategy that allows you to communicate with customers without limits. It deals with many connected channels (POS, mobile app, e-shop)…

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What’s New in CareCloud? Campaign Calendar and Automatic A/B Testing

Reduce your workload and save time with CareCloud. A new campaign calendar and automatic A/B testing are waiting for you in the Campaign & Segmentation app. Read this article to learn how it works. THE CAMPAIGN CALENDAR Have your marketing campaigns under control. In the Campaign & Segmentation app, there is a new calendar where…

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Retention Marketing: Why Is It So Important for Your Business

Having loyal customers who return to your store and purchase again is crucial. Learn how customer retention can help you with it, how to calculate it, and which activities can help with retention marketing the most. WHAT IS RETENTION MARKETING? Retention is the percentage of customers that stay with you for a time period. The…

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Zero-Party Data Gives Your Customers the Privacy They Want: Learn How

The end of third-party cookies is coming. Most companies will no longer be able to collect new customer data online. The only chance to mitigate the impact and create strong customer relationships is with zero-party data. Give your customers the privacy they expect while retaining the possibility to personalize communication and product offers. THE BASICS…

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Understand the Difference between CRM and CDP

Find out the specific uses of CRM and CDP systems. While both systems are focused on the customer, each is quite different. In this article, you will find the main characteristics of CRM and CDP and a practical tip at the end that can significantly affect your sales, increase your revenues, and reduce costs. THE…

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Why Do Email Campaigns End Up in Trash?

Stop sending one email campaign to every customer. Learn what your customers wish and need. Enhance your marketing and provide unique personal experiences for your customers. WHY THE USUAL PRACTICE IS NOT ENOUGH Most companies these days send newsletters. The expected routine is to create just one version and send it to every customer. But…

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Who creates tips for you?

Miloslav Pexa

Hard-working visionary focused on providing the best possible customer experiences.

Sabina Bednářová

Talented copywriter with a knack for creating interesting and engaging content.

Vladimír Stříteský

Business-oriented expert on Automation, CDP, and data management for retail and e-commerce.

Jan Doleček

Marketing specialist with a penchant for archaic language, loyalty programs, and customer data platforms.

Jiří Šulc

Code genius overseeing all the new features and functionalities created for you.

Bára Hořejš

Blooming digital marketer and university student influenced by international environment with passion for writing and brand-awarness. Always seeking new solutions and exploring technology.

Ondřej Pexa

The expert on direct communication, e-mailing, and GDPR. Always finding new ways to boost response rate.